Week 7

The things learned from this session:

  • FM/AM radio and their differences. FM and AM stand for frequency modulation and amplitude modulation respectively. Though the range of AM is high, it has low power. The opposite is true in the case of FM.
  • The differences between CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA. In CSMA/CD, the ethernet medium can only be utilized by one computer at a time. If another computer (let’s say computer B) wants to communicate with another device, it needs to wait for the ethernet medium to be unoccupied. In CSMA/CA, the computer that wants to communicate using the occupied ethernet medium will be informed that the medium is currently unavailable.
  • The evil twin. The evil twin is used to eavesdrop on wireless communications. It comes under the disguise of a legitimate Wi-Fi access point though actually, it is fraudulent.

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